miercuri, 31 decembrie 2008

New Year`s Resolution

It is a common practice for Americans and English to write down on a piece of paper the things they plan/want to change during the passing of the future year.As the years evolve I don`t see why I can`t post the resolutions here.I hope they`ll come true,it all depends on my ambition and on my choices concerning my aims.
We all like to think our choices are unique,noble etc.Well,who am I to break this happy,egocentristic tradition of the mind?
I do not consider my resolutions noble,they are selfish and they only represent me.My actions can trigger an occurance to others,of course,my actions influence others,too but I don`t give too much thought to this part,remember the selfish part?
I`ve spent so many years in a noble quest..To find true love...Dreams of the innocent,I know.So yes I found it a couple of years ago,I admited my feelings to this true love but nothing happened.As a matter of fact his denial was a wake up call.And it hurt my pride,my ego and I arrived at the conclusion that all men are the same.I thought the others were jerks and this guy was something but he proved to be the king of jerks.I had the capacity to forgive but there is something I cannot do!I cannot forget the event,oh!How many times the tragic scene from reality reappeared in my dreams to torment my soul and to make me stronger and in the same time it made me an insenzitive brute.I am not that innocent anymore,there is a mean shade that resides in my personality.And it shows whenever any idiot tries to "test the territory".
Like most people I have some guilty pleasures.You know that pleasures that are sort of vices,they are considered immoral and sometimes sinful.One of my all time guilty pleasures was (and still is) the sweet taste of revenge.As an old saying (I don`t get mad,I get even) I like to send back a reply of the recoiled actions I receive from others.I did this before and it didn`t do good to the ones that stepped on my tail.I don`t feel as if I`m overcome with joy after I get even,I just feel it`s natural NOT to stay quietly in my bench and turn the other cheek without explaining what I do,without replying in some way or another.
Ending this subject I`m gonna focus my attention to the professional part.I have obtained what I have wanted.I was the first in my highschool when it concerns the marks I`ve received at the bacalaureat exam.I entered two universities I always liked: The university of foreign literature and languages and the University of Psychology.I chose the first one and in my senior years (during the bachelor degree period)I`m gonna start the second university as I am still confident I`ll still be able topass its exam of Psychology (I didn`t quit reading Psychology books and studying its branches : applied psychology,forensic mentality,psychiatry,children psychology ,general psychology etc)
After this party I`m gonna bust my ass studying for the University session (this is how we call the period of examination in Romanian)
Starting with the month of February I want to work again,I want to find a part time job so I can pay for my necessities without asking money from my parents.This will be my life,as I picture it,in the following year.And now for the resolutions of the upcoming year,in general lines.

1.Study hard for a scholarship.
2.Learn Swedish very good
3.Dwell in the academic English and in its medical,military and business terms
4.Tackle the American sayings and literature(I am quite fascinated by the American phrases,which a misguided Romanian persons considers to be the same with the English ones.Nope,on the contrary.The Americans and English tried their best not to be alike,especially when it comes to the language and there is not a single argument you can produce to make me think otherwise)
5.Decide on which part to focus when I will be in my 4th year of university: American or English studies(maybe I can take them both,ha!Who knows?The two of them are quite appealing for a crazy person like me)
6.Learn to play my western acoustic guitar.First song played on it:Come undone by Duran Duran
7.Find a decent job that will produce enough money to keep me satisfied,for the time being...
8.Find time to spend with my beloved ones.
9.A better analysis,audition and study over philosophy and music.
10.Get even with a certain person,make him fall in love then dump him on the ass,hurting him so that he`ll never want to hear from me,ever again.
11.Continue learning Spanish and German(I will study German in my second year at the University)

I know some resolutions may be similar but nobody is perfect...:P
And as colonel Potter from Mash would say :
"People don`t plan to fail,they fail to plan"


luni, 29 decembrie 2008

Shattered dreams

6.Fiara-luand o pauza de la dracii/ganduri noi legate de portia mea de tortura zilnica
5.Testa rezistenta bradului/se gandea in ce parte sa impinga bradul
4.Daca va intrebati de ce bradul arata asa haotic...pai eu l-am decorat ,asa ca...God bless America! :))
3.Pe timp de noapte...
2.Ce se intampla cand te iei de "opera mea de arta"(bradul meu)
1.Prins asupra faptului

(Trebuie sa ma obisnuiesc cu publicarea fotografiilor...in ordine inversa etc)
Titlul postarii este si o melodie pe care o ador.Ce mai e de spus...Ma tot uitam la Mash si sunt deja la sezonul 9 si nu ma pot satura.E nemuritor si multi nu ma inteleg.Da,poate e expirat pentru unii ,insa pentru mine temele abordate si ideile le regasesc in viata de zi cu zi si nu mica mi-a fost mirarea cand personajul meu favorit din serial a spus o replica pe care am auzit-o de atatea ori iesind din gura unui baiat cu ochi albastri.Ha,de aia am inceput sa am sentimente pentru el fiindca imi aducea aminte de copilarie,de Mash.Pacat ca acum am realizat ca Principe Azul nu e indeajuns de curajos incat sa se comporte ca sine ,ci adopta alte arhetipuri masculine.Oh,in viata nu le poti avea pe toate,nu?The same,ol` story.
Ma bate gandul sa sun un anume domn X de Revelion...Ca de obicei si eu sunt curajoasa pentru moment,ce bine ca imi si trec starile astea a la Don Quijote.Am depus "enormul" efort de a imi salva pozele in computer.Cel mai frumos glob din brad ramane pisica mea...Desteapta si inocenta mea pisica.Aceasta felina cuminte...La ora 5 dimineata a tras cu dintii de instalatie de am crezut ca o sa se faca ingeras.Stati linistiti,nimic nu s-a intamplat.Doar pomul a cazut si eu intr-un moment de pura furie am adunat alte cioburi*incredibil doar 2 globuri s-au spart* si am incercat sa alerg pisica ,dar mi-am zis eu ca si asa ea iese mereu castigatoare la tortura psihica si rautati zilnice.
Realizez ca e greu sa convietuiesc cu cineva...sau e invers?Poate pisica nu ma suporta,dar daca imi analizez mana plina de urme de colti as zice ca e o dragoste cu urme adanci...
Am primit un sfat pentru sesiune: Inventeaza!
Ceea ce o sa si fac.Totusi e greu sa ma uit peste cursuri,mai bine fabulez.Asta inseamna evolutia,in fond.
Daca nu ma inseala paranoia sau doza mea de optimism copilaresc,cineva mi-a dedicat o poezie.
Nah,sigur nu e vorba de mine.Si totusi...
Nu,n-are cum.Astazi cred ca e o zi in care ar trebui sa nu mai citesc,sa nu mai gandesc,sa nu mai scriu.Si nici fotografii nu ar trebui sa fac fiindca sunt un antitalent innascut.Insa am vrut sa impart Craciunul,in viziunea mea.Noapte buna copii,e 4.06 am si nu am somn...


vineri, 26 decembrie 2008

Operatiunea: cozonac

Incepand cu ajunul am vrut sa imi rezerv putin timp si pentru o postare noua(wow prima postare in romana,I really must be pissed off or something)insa soarta nu a fost de partea mea.
De Ajun m-am simtit ca un crestin ce trebuie sa isi faca datoria,fara prea multa ironie.Dupa ce urechile mele au fost martorele unei subtilitati geniale : Hm,noi doi o sa muncim astazi Cristiana,ar trebui cineva sa ia bomboane si cozonaci... mi-am spus ca e cazul sa imi plimb osemintele prin piata,sa mai arunc un ochi la kitsch-uri de Craciun si sa fac si cumparaturi de ultim moment.Nu m-as fi simtit ca un martir daca nu as fi stat jumatate de ora la o coada la un super market pentru 4 amarate pungi de bomboane de pom.In afara de asta ma duc la patiseria/brutaria/cofetaria din piata de langa blocul meu ca sa stau o ora in frig(fara manusi,fara caciula,haine neadecvate gerului).De ce am stat o ora in frig?Fiindca unii smecheri erau trecuti pe lista vanzatoarei si se duceau frumos in fata unei cozi ceausiste enervate de frig si asteptare si luau cozonacii fiindca aveau numele pe o bucata de hartie,nu asteptau ca restul muritorilor de rand.Daca privirile ar fi linsat pe cineva..."listosii"erau deja six feet under.Eram foarte fericita ca am prins ultimii cozonaci pufosi,unsi cu miere,rahat,nuca si cacao...Ma mandream cu ei,i-am feliat,i-am pus pe masa intr-un cosulet impletit a la bunica...(ma rog e luat din zona unde locuieste ea).Impodobesc bradul,am spart doar 4 globuri(0 reusita fata de anul trecut;poate maine o sa pun poze cu pomul si pisica-dar asta e alta poveste!)ca sa nu se atinga nimeni de el.Ai mei nu au mancat cei doi cozonaci,asta a contribuit mult la frustrarea mea,mai ales ca ma indemnau ei sa mananc eu:hai,nu vrei sa mananci cozonac?
Sa fie oare doar dorinta de a fi in pas cu sarbatoarea si de a avea tot ce trebuie pe masa?De cand bucatele sunt puse ca ornament?Oh well,their money ,their problems.
Poate au gustat pana acum,nu stiu,nu ma mai intereseaza data viitoare o sa iau porc umplut cu castane ,cine stie?Poate o sa aiba mai mult succes.Nu inteleg de ce trimiti un om lenes dupa ceva ...ca mai apoi sa nu mananci...whatever.
Am vrut sa dorm si eu ca tot omul ca am stat in picioare sa impodobesc bradul o seara intreaga.Pe la 6 dimineata imi suna telefonul.Insistent.Mesaj."Sper ca nu am fost prea matinala,la multi ani de nume,la multi ani de Craciun si multe cadouri sub brad"
Zambesc totusi ca o persoana s-a gandit la mine si ma tarasc inapoi in barlog.Peste 10 minute alt sms.Si asa a decurs toata dimineata mea ,insa la un moment dat nu am mai avut somn ca am primit un sms de la un baiat de care mi-a placut timp de 4 ani.I-am trimis inapoi un sms kilometric...Si sper sa il fi citit si sa isi fi amintit de mine,macar un pic.Mai multe nu zic,poate imi citeste blogul si afla ca hei...mi-a placut albastrul ochilor lui.Ah,cu siguranta acum nu isi va da seama.LOL.I am such a fool! :D

In rest de Revelion am fost invitata la o petrecere si ma voi duce cu surle si trambite.Looking forward for it si sper sa poate veni si Deea cu mine.Daca vrea.Daca doreste.Cu siguranta s-ar simti bine si nu s-ar plictisi.


marți, 23 decembrie 2008

He drives me crazy!

I usually don`t like to talk about love because I know I may not be understood.I know what kind of impact some persons have concerning my inner lovable side.

Have you ever had that peculiar feeling?That in which you know you love in vain?Has your path ever been crossed by a man whose smile melted the worries away?Did he ever give you the impression he cares about you and that he is really interested about your life?Then he did what every man does at a certain moment in his life?He opened his mouth and hurt you one way or another...Proving you don`t mean a thing to him and of course he made you feel like crap,he made you feel worthless,unpretty,useless?

Then after revising your attitude,his behaviour,both your versions ,telling all these to your best friends...confiding in them to receive answers like: He`s a dick,he doesn`t deserve you,you`ll get over him and all that nonsense?

Then you got yourself convinced he isn`t worth your time and feelings,but you still smiled when thinking of him,when thinking of the best moments shared together...

I trust that being an ass to a girl is a normal thing guys do once in awhile,because they can`t help it.It`s in their nature to be so.They don`t perceive it as a rudeness .

Love has challenged me a lot in the past few years.And even if...I was more hurt than cherised I still remain faithful to that man that makes my heart throb like an engine each time I see him or hear his dulcet voice.

I know all these feelings are in vain,but my logical mind can`t compete with my loyal heart.I`d like to tell him how much he means to me...He`ll never know.I tried to get closer,to be involved in his life but each time he does something nice for me...he screws it up big time afterwards,pushing me away from him.

Psychologically speaking,this is his way of protecting himself from getting hurt .But he sometimes does these stupid things -he tests others to see who cares about him and who doesn`t.But he does insult people while he`s at it.And he mustn`t realize,otherwise if he voluntarily performs this *smooth operation* it must mean he is a sadistic human being.

No matter how much of a jackass he can be,I still care about him(maybe at this point I`m finding excuses for him?!).Many`s the time I`ve read what I`ve received from him,even if it was redemption from his part,even if it was in the spirit of holiday ...I perceive his words as feelings aimed at me.And that`s lame but I like to think of his gesture as a token of appreciation,as a result of his heart showing something to my little "engine of feelings".

Or maybe he just...apologized so that he can get a knack at me again?To throw me to the garbage again,to throw mud at my pure feelings then to wipe me ,to rinse me,to clean me with a damp cloth?God I so hate myself for loving him ...But,neah,I`m struggling with myself,still can`t help it.

And if you happen to read all these...:Fuck off...And Yes,I do love you...

I still love you...


luni, 22 decembrie 2008

Short introduction to Chinese astrology

The Chinese chose 12 interesting animals for the representation of their zodiac.There was a contradiction between a former classmate of mine and me.If you read the Chinese guide to astrology you will find out that the year which you were born in is very important in finding out the Chinese sign .Of course my classmate stipulated that the Chinese signs are equivalents for our European signs.That the Chinese sign is based on our European zodiac...

No,my friend...it is the other way around.I am sure that us Europeans may be very advanced but the Chinese hold the rumour to be before the Western civilization.

If you like to know who was first...I`d like you to give a chance to the Babylonian astrology.They had 12 celestial houses,well in each culture astrology is based on 12 distinctive notes/signs/symbols etc ,depending on the preferences.

It is a pitty that Western astrology has all the fun and it still stays in the spotlight.

The Chinese,Persian and Babylonian astrology information is quite interesting (let`s skip the part with the sacrificing stages,shall we?)

I am an Earth Dragon.I am a Sagittarian for our european system of identyfing the signs.Just for fun I`ll post from other sites the general information concerning a person born under the sign of the Dragon and that of a person born under the constellation of the mighty Archer.

"The Dragon is one of the most powerful and lucky Signs of the Chinese Zodiac. Its warm heart makes the Dragon's brash, fiery energy far more palatable. This is a giving, intelligent and tenacious Sign that knows exactly what it wants and is determined to get it. Dragons possess a certain natural, charming charisma that ensures they can always influence their peers and often find themselves the center of attention in social situations. This Sign is truly blessed, too; Dragons are considered to be very lucky in love! The Dragon's friends are always keen to hear what this firebrand has to say and when it comes to dispensing advice, the Dragon has the floor.
Its ego can get in the Dragon's way, but even so, this larger-than-life creature has a knack for initiating projects and keeping the troops motivated. According to Dragons, it's their natural born right to lead the way -- because who else could do it so surely and so well? As lucky as they are, Dragons have a good chance of achieving considerable material wealth during their lifetimes, although it isn't mere money that's this Sign's main motivation. Power is what the Dragon wants and truly believes it deserves. Dragons are quite the opportunists, forever searching for ways in which to consolidate their considerable power. Contrary to all this strength and fire, a weakened Dragon is a sad sack, a creature that refuses to take defeat with even a modicum of grace.
The role of leader is the only one the Dragon wants, the better from which to give orders and be king of the hill. They make solid leaders, too, knowing instinctively what needs to be done to stay on top. Crossing the Dragon is never a good idea -- this beast can singe! A valuable life lesson for this clever creature would be to absorb the principles of flexibility, compassion and tolerance. Being high and mighty can serve to inspire others, but it also keeps Dragons from living their lives to the fullest. If Dragons can learn to balance their quest for success with an appreciation for the little things, their life will be more than worthwhile. "

And of course my Dragon has a touch of Earth.This is my element.(Darn it,mommy,may I have the fire element? )

"Those of you born under the influence of the Chinese Astrology Element of Earth are wise, serene and prudent, firmly rooted in your morals, ethics and responsibilities. Led by logic rather than emotion, you seek to plan your life as far out in advance as possible, to expect the unexpected and control your destiny down to the last detail. Your disciplined reserve -- which can come across as true grace if you work it right -- garners you respect and admiration. You're so bound by logic and dependent upon controlling your situation that you have a fear of the unknown. Consequently, you question your instincts, distrusting even your most cherished dreams and seeing your whims as frivolous distractions. Don't be a stick in the mud, Earth Signs; share your wisdom and your peace of mind with a needy world. "

Kind of crappy description,it doesn`t fit or grasps my personality whatsoever.Oh well,who knows?

And now...the European version:

"- Sagittarius (The Archer) (fire, mutable, universal): Keyword: "I perceive". Freedom loving, straightforward, extrovert, philosophical, intellectual, fun-loving, arrogant, adventurous, expansive, optimistic. Can be blundering, scattered, careless, jealous, too-serious, tactless. From November 23 to December 21. The astrological symbol for Sagittarius has a dual meaning. The first and most common is that of a bow and arrow.The second and less well-known is that of an arrow lifting up a cross-shaped burden, representing the struggle the Sagittarius faces.

In mythology Sagittarius is often associated with either a Satyr or a Centaur (in the case of the latter, often the centaur Chiron, who taught and tutored various heroes in Greek myth). In Greek mythology, centaurs were adventurous, brave, and wise, but they were also given to brawling and uncivilized behavior. Sagittarius is also associated with the Greek god Zeus and sometimes the Greek goddess Tyche, as well as the Norse God Thor.

Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, not only one of the most important gods in Roman mythology (ruler of the heavens), but also the planet that signifies good fortune in astrology.
As the ninth sign in the zodiac, Sagittarius is associated with the astrological 9th house, which is associated with natural Sagittarius matters - foreign travel and foreign countries and cultures, religion, the law and higher education, all things which seek to expand one's experience, freedom, journeys.

Astrologers assign personality traits to the signs. The following are traits more widely associated with Sagittarius. Note that no scientific research thus far has been able to prove such correlation. Many astrologers consider planetary aspects to hold a key influence which may override sign location and thus conceding many exceptions.
Witty conversationalist, humorous
Freedom loving / free-spirited
Idealistic / believing
Moral, often having a religious streak. Righteous.
Intelligent / intellectual
Positive / optimistic
Honest / sincere
Enterprising, ambitious, devoted to their goals.
Energetic / active
Adventurous / risk-taking
Independent / unfettered
Approachable / warm
Cheerful / likeable
Sympathetic / generous
Impatient / restless
Indiscreet, careless. Blunt.
Impulsive / spontaneous

Ideal Careers
Ideal careers for Sagitarians include teaching • the law • theology and religion • politics • public relations or advertising • anything related to travel • arts• medicine• research and science
travel and adventure • honesty, justice and law • freedom • meaning • taking risks, gambling or speculation • socializing
routine and chores • being constrained • being tied down • being forced to do things • being doubted • having to explain oneself • being forced to make promises • being bothered by little details

Physical Traits:

Many astrologers believe that each of the zodiac signs has identifying physical traits. Some consider that physically, people born under the sign of Sagittarius usually have a large and well-shaped skull, a high, broad forehead, a slender and well formed figure. They stand high and walk high like a Centaur. They have the tendency to stoop or slouch as if grazing for grass.The chest is often broad, the eyes kindly, jovial widely spaced, the hair dark and wavy.
Sagittarius governs the hips, thighs and sacral area; some astrologers consider Sagittarians as tending to suffer from ailments of the hips and thighs and being prone to sciatica and rheumatism.

Sagittarius is widely thought to be compatible with same element signs, Aries and Leo.It is often considered to have a great potential with Aquarius, granted they do not overreact to things, as both are given to whims and can be quite temperamental.

The Indian equivalent of Sagittarius is Dhanus.The corresponding month in the Babylonian calendar is Arax Kislimu, dedicated to Nergal.
The Chinese equivalent is thought to be the tenacious, charismatic, and meticulous Rat, whose lunar month is 7 December - 5 January. The "connection" or ("equivalency") between the Rat and Sagittarius is based solely on the fact that Rats rule the month of December, which is the month of the Sagittarian sign. The Rat personality traits, temperament, and character are, in fact, much more similar to the sign of the Scorpio."

Now I`m gonna tackle and dissect all that has been quoted by astrologers.

Concerning the Dragon sketch...There are some things that yell:Hey,that`s me all over ! But there are some that say:No way !
I do have a fiery energy.It all shows when I talk.I`m talking with my hands,I gesture a lot.I always find something to do.I had a job and in the same time I attended the courses and seminars and afterwards went to dancing classes.Occasionally ,I`d meet with friends and chat about ...well mostly anything.
They say Dragons know what they want and they`re determined to get it.
I say that ...hah!Everybody has an idea about what they want.But it took me 2 years to decide about something so that in the last 5 minutes to choose a different path...
I learnt that determination can be an important gear that activates your destiny.Whenever I press the OK button the action recoils on me.The button jumps and hits my face.My determination is usually mixed with the stubborness of an ass.Whenever I set a goal to achieve something turns bad.I don`t have the cold blood to step over dead bodies.There is a limit,but of course I achieve EVERYTHING when it comes to my professional life.
When it comes to the personal aspects of my reality things are a bit complicated.Because forced feelings from your half are a wacked way to say:Geez,I`m the Dragon,I`m in charge,I can make someone fall in love with me,whether he likes it or not!
The hurt side of me often creates a person who seeks revenge.
I know it isn`t moral but revenge is truly sweet.And a logical step in the evolution of happenings.I don`t get mad,I get even.And that`s that!
I don`t know if I`m the centre of attention in social gatherings.I speak my mind whenever I feel like doing so but I discuss only with the persons I want to,I do not want to make friends with everybody.
Naturally,the dance floor is my focus.And yes,I`m in the center of it!
I like to be the leader and I lead from the backstage.I sometimes manipulate,involuntarily-in most cases,in order to get what I want.People think it was their own decision...
I do not know if I deserve to be blamed for this,some people need to be pushed from behind.In the other situations I just say out loud what it has to be done(this happens when people don`t get the picture)
And the Earth element doesn`t fit me at all!I am more emotional than logical,I am not that moral!I am not disciplined,I am chaotic...
If I turn my attention to the European astrology the Sagittarian traits fit me like a glove!
I am arrogant at times.I can be jealous I am certainly inclined to natural than to artifical,I like to isolate in a hut somewhere in the mountains for an undetermined time...I am careless,a hopeful dreamer and I love philosophy...I don`t know if this makes me a philosophical person...I am not always brave,I act like a chicken...And concerning the uncivilized behaviour...TOUCHE!
I try to expand my experience and broaden my mind...I like foreign languages,laws(I pride justice),religion,cultures,education,freedom-so all these are true when it comes to my aspirations and likes.
I hate to be doubted,I hate monotomy...so the dislikes...are true in this case.

What really amused me in all this description was the paragraph about the way Sagittarians look and walk.(This,I really don`t know.For Pete`s sake)

I gulped for a second while reading the compatibility fragment.There is a certain sign I wish it wouldn`t be there!But it seems that there is another intuition of mine that turned into reality.

The idea is that there are some general approaches that are so general that they can fit a certain sign.But the truth is that all is relative and every human being is unique,because he never reacts as expected,this leads to a collapse of the existence of astrology but it sometimes it just astonishes me.The precision of the Persians,Babylonians,Aztecs...can never be denied!They were more advanced than us*again-let`s skip the sacrifice part*,taking into consideration the primitive methods they used back then.There are some mysteries unsolved even nowdays,with all this modern technology surrounding us we still cannot explain some things.

Somebody kindly pointed out to me that one of my first questions when I get acquainted with somebody is : Excuse me,what sign of the zodiacal are you in?

And I have to thank Deea,she made me remember about the zodiac with her post regarding her Sign.

Etichete: , , ,

An end implies a new beginning

I returned to my old blog spot and in my sandbox I`ll try to pull out the impressions I am left with after a day-to-day encounter with people I know or I am on the verge of getting acquainted with.The posts will be chaotic in a sense that I`ll publish things that seem to have a meaning,I may be publishing from time to time general information about something...at times I may be a bit personal...It all depends on the mood I`m in...Hope you`ll enjoy this journey.I think I will.
