New Year`s Resolution

It is a common practice for Americans and English to write down on a piece of paper the things they plan/want to change during the passing of the future year.As the years evolve I don`t see why I can`t post the resolutions here.I hope they`ll come true,it all depends on my ambition and on my choices concerning my aims.
We all like to think our choices are unique,noble etc.Well,who am I to break this happy,egocentristic tradition of the mind?
I do not consider my resolutions noble,they are selfish and they only represent me.My actions can trigger an occurance to others,of course,my actions influence others,too but I don`t give too much thought to this part,remember the selfish part?
I`ve spent so many years in a noble quest..To find true love...Dreams of the innocent,I know.So yes I found it a couple of years ago,I admited my feelings to this true love but nothing happened.As a matter of fact his denial was a wake up call.And it hurt my pride,my ego and I arrived at the conclusion that all men are the same.I thought the others were jerks and this guy was something but he proved to be the king of jerks.I had the capacity to forgive but there is something I cannot do!I cannot forget the event,oh!How many times the tragic scene from reality reappeared in my dreams to torment my soul and to make me stronger and in the same time it made me an insenzitive brute.I am not that innocent anymore,there is a mean shade that resides in my personality.And it shows whenever any idiot tries to "test the territory".
Like most people I have some guilty pleasures.You know that pleasures that are sort of vices,they are considered immoral and sometimes sinful.One of my all time guilty pleasures was (and still is) the sweet taste of revenge.As an old saying (I don`t get mad,I get even) I like to send back a reply of the recoiled actions I receive from others.I did this before and it didn`t do good to the ones that stepped on my tail.I don`t feel as if I`m overcome with joy after I get even,I just feel it`s natural NOT to stay quietly in my bench and turn the other cheek without explaining what I do,without replying in some way or another.
Ending this subject I`m gonna focus my attention to the professional part.I have obtained what I have wanted.I was the first in my highschool when it concerns the marks I`ve received at the bacalaureat exam.I entered two universities I always liked: The university of foreign literature and languages and the University of Psychology.I chose the first one and in my senior years (during the bachelor degree period)I`m gonna start the second university as I am still confident I`ll still be able topass its exam of Psychology (I didn`t quit reading Psychology books and studying its branches : applied psychology,forensic mentality,psychiatry,children psychology ,general psychology etc)
After this party I`m gonna bust my ass studying for the University session (this is how we call the period of examination in Romanian)
Starting with the month of February I want to work again,I want to find a part time job so I can pay for my necessities without asking money from my parents.This will be my life,as I picture it,in the following year.And now for the resolutions of the upcoming year,in general lines.
1.Study hard for a scholarship.
2.Learn Swedish very good
3.Dwell in the academic English and in its medical,military and business terms
4.Tackle the American sayings and literature(I am quite fascinated by the American phrases,which a misguided Romanian persons considers to be the same with the English ones.Nope,on the contrary.The Americans and English tried their best not to be alike,especially when it comes to the language and there is not a single argument you can produce to make me think otherwise)
5.Decide on which part to focus when I will be in my 4th year of university: American or English studies(maybe I can take them both,ha!Who knows?The two of them are quite appealing for a crazy person like me)
6.Learn to play my western acoustic guitar.First song played on it:Come undone by Duran Duran
7.Find a decent job that will produce enough money to keep me satisfied,for the time being...
8.Find time to spend with my beloved ones.
9.A better analysis,audition and study over philosophy and music.
10.Get even with a certain person,make him fall in love then dump him on the ass,hurting him so that he`ll never want to hear from me,ever again.
11.Continue learning Spanish and German(I will study German in my second year at the University)
I know some resolutions may be similar but nobody is perfect...:P
And as colonel Potter from Mash would say :
"People don`t plan to fail,they fail to plan"
Etichete: resolution selfish thoughts life aims success or failure
2 comentarii:
la multi ani! si fie ca dorintele tale sa se implineasca fara exceptii...
Cu bine,
thnx a lot :D
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